Day Old Poi

12/28/2010 § 1 Comment

DayOldPoi(Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. 🙂 I have been really busy with the holidays and all that jazz. )

Okay so I took this picture because of Day Old Poi by Bu Lai’a. I might be the only one who knows about this song…but it is so hilarious. 🙂

Apparently poi is an acquired taste, and I haven’t acquired it yet. Haha. Its made from the root of taro and its usually a purple color. The consistency is like smooth wallpaper paste. When it’s first made it the sweetest it will ever be because every day after that it gets a bit sour. But it is not sweet, it is pretty bland, even from the beginning.

My family eats more East Coast style since my mother is from Virginia so I wasn’t brought up on the Hawaiian diet. That’s probably why I don’t like poi. 🙂

Do you like poi? What do you like about it?

To find more information about Poi visit:

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§ One Response to Day Old Poi

  • This post made me laugh because so many people donʻt like poi! I however LOVE poi and especially enjoy eating it with lomi lomi salmon! The best poi Iʻve had coupled with other ono grinds is at The Feast At Lele…Mmmm, Iʻm drooling just thinking about it! If you make it to Lahaina, or have out-of-towners to entertain, the feast is the best luau in my opinion, and they offer kamaʻaina, so check ʻem out–I bet youʻll change your mind about poi;)

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