Day Old Poi

12/28/2010 § 1 Comment

DayOldPoi(Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. 🙂 I have been really busy with the holidays and all that jazz. )

Okay so I took this picture because of Day Old Poi by Bu Lai’a. I might be the only one who knows about this song…but it is so hilarious. 🙂

Apparently poi is an acquired taste, and I haven’t acquired it yet. Haha. Its made from the root of taro and its usually a purple color. The consistency is like smooth wallpaper paste. When it’s first made it the sweetest it will ever be because every day after that it gets a bit sour. But it is not sweet, it is pretty bland, even from the beginning.

My family eats more East Coast style since my mother is from Virginia so I wasn’t brought up on the Hawaiian diet. That’s probably why I don’t like poi. 🙂

Do you like poi? What do you like about it?

To find more information about Poi visit:

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